I was able to get whole bunches of pink hydrangeas this year. I don't know if it was the mulching or the manure I added last fall that made them bloom prolifically, but it made a dramatic change. The hydrangea that I added manure and mulched also turned pink this year. It was a beautiful shade of purple last year, but it became a bright pink. It's amazing how different the colors change with hydrangeas.
今年はピンクのアジサイがメッチャ咲いてくれたので、切り花としても楽しめました。 去年の秋に鶏糞を土に混ぜてマルチングをしたのが良かったのか、今年は見事なピンクのアジサイが咲きました!去年は紫だったのにw アジサイの色の豊富さには驚かせられます^^
I took a cutting from the same plant about 2 years ago and I planted them in the woodland area of the garden last year, results were beautiful blue hydrangeas. So i guess it's true what they say about the soil, eh?
2年前に同じアジサイから挿し木をして、去年に庭の森っぽいところに植えました。下の写真が咲いたアジサイなんですが、ちょっと紫がかったように見えますが、青のアジサイが咲きました^^ やっぱり土の酸度で色って変わるんですね。
Blue Hydrangea from the woodland |
Hydrangeas are easy to grow and you can easily propagate them from cutting, so why not grow some in your garden or in a container? It's a perfect summer flower, great for cutting as well. Btw, in the language of flowers, hydrangea stands for preservation - preservation of love that lasts forever. Wouldn't that be perfect for a wedding?