Monday, December 6, 2010

今週の花 / Flower of the Week

アマリリス(Amaryllis)は、ヒガンバナ科ヒッペアストルム属(ヒペアストラム属とも、ラテン名Hippeastrum)の園芸雑種。学名Hippeastrum × hybridum。 多年草で原産は南アメリカ。夏場、ユリに似た六弁の大きい花を2-4個つける。花の色は白・赤・など。春植え球根の代表種で、こぶし大の球根は成長が早く4月に植えると1ヶ月後には開花する。 植え付け、植え替えはソメイヨシノが散る頃が適期である。ヒガンバナ科のほかの植物と同じく、球根などにリコリンを含み有毒。

アマリリスは南米のペルーやブラジル等に約70品種の原種があるヒガンバナ科ヒッペアルトラム属の球根性の植物です。属名のヒッペアルトラムは、ギリシャ語で騎士を意味するヒッペオスと、星を意味するアストロンから成ります。1760年代ににヨーロッパに持ち込まれ人工交配が進みました。日本に最初に入ってきたのは1830年ごろとされています。 近代、国内では半丸弁の赤花種などが主流でしたが、第二次世界大戦後にオランダ・ルドウィッヒ社の大輪丸弁種が入ってきました。


The genus name Amaryllis comes from the Greek word "amarysso," which means "to sparkle,"sometimes called Hippeastrum, which means "knight star".  In Greek mythology, it was the name of a shepherdess who shed her own blood to prove her true love, and in so doing inspired the naming of this bright red flower. Many different cultivars claim the name amaryllis and membership of the Amaryllidaceae family.

Some botanists believe that the Portuguese probably brought the amaryllis bulb to Europe around the early 16th century. It is not surprising that Portugal, Spain and Italy were among the first European countries to introduce the amaryllis belladonna, as it was explorers from these countries who traveled far and wide, returning home with new discoveries to please the wealthy patrons who paid for their expeditions. The presence of amaryllis belladonna in places like the Canary Islands and Madeira gives rise to the theory that its importation may have paralleled the history of the sugar cane trade as well as the slave trade. Amaryllis belladonna arrived in England around the early 18th century.

Amaryllis are become more and more polular as a christmas flower. Holland is a major grower and exporter of the amaryllis, which is in especially high demand at Christmastime for its festive colors. Dutch and South African varieties of this Christmas favorite include bright red, pink and white amaryllis flowers. Many of the holiday varieties belong to the Hippeastrum genus and are native to South America. Christmas amaryllis are products of forced blooming.

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