Friday, October 22, 2010

今週のお花 / Flower of the Week


Camellia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae, native to eastern and southern Asia from the Himalayas east to Japan and Indonesia. Camellias often bloom during the cool season, varying according to the species. Winter blooms are common, flowers appearing October-March. Blooms on camellias range from pure white to dark red. Some camellia cultivars have multi-colored or variegated flowers.

The genus is generally adapted to acidic soils, and does not grow well on chalk or other calcium-rich soils. Most species also have a high rainfall requirement and will not tolerate drought.

ツバキ 椿
ツバキ(椿)は、ツバキ科ツバキ属の植物の総称である。狭義には、ヤブツバキ(藪椿、あるいは単にツバキとも。学名:Camellia japonica)を指す。照葉樹林の代表的な樹木。花期は冬から春にかけて。春の季語。海柘榴とも表記する。


Sunday, October 10, 2010

今週のお花 / Flower of the Week

キンギョソウ (金魚草 

金魚草はゴマノハグサ科。キンギョソウ属の植物。南ヨーロッパと北アフリカの地中海沿岸部を産地とする。初夏に咲く草花で、その咲いた花のかたちが金魚のように見えるためこの名前がついていす。花の色は赤・桃 ・白 ・橙 ・黄 ・複色。秋にタネをまくとその翌年の初夏に花が咲きます。先週、金魚草とポピーの種を植えました!来年の春、夏が楽しみです!

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)

Snapdragons are native to the Mediterranean. But, we are sure glad someone brought them over here! They are a favorite flower for cutting and fragrance. Strong-stemmed spikes are tightly packed with large "dragons" in white, yellow, purple, crimson, bronze, pink in a range of hues. Long lasting flowers are so profuse that they can hide the leaves at peak bloom. Snapdragon plants are an easy to grow annual. Most varieties are early summer bloomers. They often wilt in the mid-summer's heat, but often perk back up and bloom again in cooler fall weather. Grows 1 1/2' to 3' tall.

Angel Food Cake / エンジェルフード・ケーキ

Today, I wanna share my angel food cake recipe. It’s an adaptation of many different recipes that I’ve tested. I like my angel food cake to be very moist, light and fluffy. Almost like a cotton candy, that melt in your mouth sorta thing.  


1 ¼ cup flour
1 ¼ cup confectioner sugar
1 ½ cup egg whites (10 Large)
2 teaspoon cream of tartar
¼ teaspoon salt
1 ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon pure almond extract
1 cup granulated sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 375 with a rack in the lower third.

2. Measure and sift the flour and the confectioner sugar together at least 3 times, set aside.

3. Separate eggs, drain off the egg whites into a measuring cup.

4. Prepare a Bain-marie and warm the egg whites until warm to the touch.

5. In a large mixing bowl or in a bowl of an electric mixer, measure in the warm egg whites, cream of tartar, salt, vanilla and almond extracts. Beat whites until frothy, beat in the granulated sugar 2~3tbsp at a time, beating 15 seconds after each addition.

6. Continue beating until meringue is very firm, glossy and smooth. The meringue should hold stiff straight peaks when the whisk is pulled up.

7. Shift in the reserved flour-sugar mixture 3 tbsp at a time over the meringue. Fold in gently by cut and fold motion with a spatula.

8. Transfer batter to a tube pan. Run a knife through the batter, touching the bottom of the pan to eliminate any air pockets. Bake until the top of the cake is lightly golden and the cake springs back when pressed lightly, 30 to 35 minutes (If top darkens too fast, tent with aluminum foil.) Invert pan; let cool in pan, at least 1 hour. Run a knife around the inside of the pan and around the tube to release cake, and unmold. Use knife to release cake from bottom of pan, and remove.

日本語バージョンはまた今度アップします!m(_ _)m

Friday, October 8, 2010

今週のお花 / Flower of the Week

バンダ・セルレアはインド(北西部)~タイおよび中国に分布する多年草。着生種。別名「Blue Orchid(青い蘭)」ということもある銘花。標高1000~3000mあたりにある落葉樹林内で生育するという。バンダ・セルレアとは「青いバンダ」という意味。

Vanda coerulea
Vanda coerulea, commonly known as Blue Orchid, is native to northern Thailand and the Khasia foothills of the Indian Himalayas. This is a wonderful plant which will tolerate intermediate to cool temperatures but will also do well in warm temperatures.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


今日は死ぬほど忙しかった・・・ やる事が多すぎて明日まで持ち込み・・・ 今日はちょっと暑くて過ごしにくかった。掃除をするだけで汗ばむ。でも汗は気温のせいなのか?それともただ単に俺がデブなだけなのか?笑 ハ~、早く痩せないと!頑張ろw!でももう秋・・・ 食欲の秋・・・ ダイエットとは合わん・・・ 苦笑 スイートポテト食いて~w サツマイモとバター、生クリーム。バター!バター美味しい!バター大好きw。バターは調味料ではなくソースです。笑

今日の飾りの紹介はインディアン・コーン。インディアン・コーンの色は黄色、赤、オレンジ系なので秋の飾りにはぴったり。インターネットでも多分購入できるので試してみてください。ミニサイズのだったらハムスター用のやつは普通にペットショップなどで購入できる。←最近発見w! いつもコーンは買ってたけど考えてみたら自分で育てられるかも!?来年は挑戦してみよ~。ちゃんと育ちますように!

今日はAngel Food Cakeを作ったのでまた今度紹介します。でも作ったおかげで卵黄がバリ残ってる・・・ チュークリームでも作ろ~!←「痩せないと」とか言いながらw