Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Past

今年のクリスマスはバタバタしたクリスマスでした。家族と過ごせるクリスマスが一番です。毎年ホワイトクリスマスを願っているのですが、なかなかならないです。でも今年は25日に雪が降ったのでま~いいかなみたいな・・・ 東北の方に住んでいる人がうらやましい。涙 今月はクリスマスの飾りつけなどを紹介する予定でしたがもう過ぎ てしまったので写真だけアップします。皆さんも参考にして来年飾りつけをしてみて下さいw

Christmas has past... "Guiseppe Martini said that 'Family is the Country of the Heart.' We spend so much of our lives in exile, so on the holidays we make the pilgrimage home to the nation of our heart."

"Is there such a thing as the perfect holiday? All holidays are about the same thing, connecting to the people that care about you. Feeling like... you are a part of something, a family, a community, a culture..." The true meaning of Christmas, something to think about. Explore more into details another time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, awesome job decorating, Jake!! I think this year's is the best- the tree is perfect and all the other decorations throughout the house, awwww, simply beautiful! Wis I could do the same here in our house next year. ;o) Yuko
