Thursday, December 2, 2010

ジンジャービア / Old fashioned Ginger Beer

ジンジャービアはカナダでジンジャーエールが発明される以前からイギリスで作られてきたドリンクでジンジャーエールのルーツ、原型とも言えるドリンクです。 ジンジャーと糖分を発酵させて作られる、とても手軽に作れてヘルシーなドリンクです。

ここで、生姜について少し。生姜は効用が凄い万能薬です。 生姜は、民間療法に古来より用いられ多くの人々を救済して来ましたが、生姜の効用と効能は、現代科学でも広く認められ活用されています。生姜の有効成分である「ジンゲロール」には、様々な病気や、加齢現象の敵とされる体内の性酸素を除去する働き「抗酸化作用」が特筆され老化予防の効能と効果が期待されています。




Ingredients 材料

大4    生姜・みじん切り
1½   レモン・皮をむいてスライスしたもの。
300g グラニュー糖
小½  酒石英
小¾  ドライイースト


1. 鍋に生姜、レモン、グラニュー糖、酒石英と750mlの水を入れてかきまぜながら中火にかける。 沸騰したら弱火で5分煮る。 火を消して冷たい水を1.5リットル鍋に入れてドライイーストも加える。蓋をして一晩涼しい所で発酵させる、又は12時間発酵させる。

2. 発酵後ガーゼでジンジャービアをこしてピッチャーなどに入れる。蓋ではなくサランラップをきつくかぶせて涼しいところにおいて置く。

3. ジンジャービアは炭酸が出てきたら飲み頃です。環境にもよりますが、大体12時間~36時間かかります。冷蔵庫で冷やすか氷をたっぷり入れて飲んでください。



I'd like to share my recipe for a quick and easy recipe for traditional ginger beer - Ginger beer is a carbonated  drink that is flavored primarily with ginger and sweetened with sugar. Brewed ginger beer originated in England in the mid-18th century and became popular in Britain, the United States, and Canada, reaching a peak of popularity in the early 20th century. This is a perfect drink for a picnic or refreshments for brunch. It's a great way to incorporate a healthy drink to your daily life. Before I get on with the recipe, I have listed below the top 10 health benefits attributed to this multi functional root:
  1. Ginger has carminative properties (anti spasmic) and can be used to calm in upset stomach, providing relief for the relief of bloating and gas.
  2. The intake of ginger helps stimulate the secretion of mucus, quieting your cough and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.
  3. Ginger has been proven (in multiple studies) to treat feelings of nausea, particularly in the form of seasickness, morning sickness, motion sickness and as a side effect of chemotherapy.
  4. Ginger contains anti viral, anti toxic, and anti fungal properties, and is used for the prevention of and treatment against the common cold.
  5. Ginger acts as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of allergies.
  6. Ginger displays anti inflammatory properties and can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and various other muscular disorders. The chemical components of the root are instrumental in inhibiting the biosynthesis of prostaglandins which are responsible for causing inflammation. Thus the root has proven to be a highly effective form of treatment, in some cases, even more so than the NSAID's that are traditionally prescribed.
  7. Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and the prevention of cramps. The ancient Greeks used to eat ginger after a large meal in order to ease the digestion process.
  8. Due to its promotion of mucus secretion, ginger protects against the development of ulcers, unwanted holes in the lining of your stomach.
  9. Ginger has proven to help lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  10. Ginger is often used to settle an upset stomach or treat severe stomach ailments such as dyspepsia or colic. It is frequently used today in developing countries to treat diarrhea. 
Information retrieved from the Hubpages.

This recipe makes just under 10.5 cups of ginger beer. It only takes about 20 minutes to prepare, plus overnight standing, 12-36 hours' fermenting and chilling.

4  tbsp finely chopped fresh ginger
1½ unwaxed lemon, thickly sliced, skin removed (the white pith gives off an unpleasant flavor )
10oz granulated sugar
½ tsp cream of tartar
¾ tsp dried yeast


1. Put the ginger, lemon, sugar, cream of tartar and 3 cups of cold water into a large pan over a medium heat. Slowly bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add 6½ cups of cold water and sprinkle over the yeast. Cover with a lid and set aside in a cool place overnight.

2. The next day, sterilize a pitcher by cleaning them in hot soapy water. Rinse and set aside.

3. Strain the ginger beer through a cheesecloth and pour into the pitcher. Cover the top with saran wrap tightly and leave in a cool place.

4. The ginger beer is ready to drink when fizzy, which will be within 12-36 hours, depending on how hot the weather is. Chill, then serve with plenty of ice and drink within 3 days.

Note: The amount of alcohol is VERY minuscule for the first 2 days, but from day 3, you can slightly taste the alcohol and the beer looses some of it's flavors so drink fast. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your recipe. I really miss ginger beer and want to try and make my own this year.I`ve never seen it on sale in Japan, have you ?

  2. I've never seen it sold in Japan... Even at the import stores. Hope you like it :)
